Upcoming Mission Trip

This year’s mission trip the International Women of H.O.P.E. has partnered with the Federal University of Pernambuco in Brazil (UFPE) , as they travel to Cap Haitian Haiti June, 2021. The students of UFPE will work side by side with students from State University of Haiti (UEH)
(CHCL) Campus Henry Christophe of Limonade. Students from various interdisciplinary studies will conduct community serivce trainings with focus areas in health, technology and education.
Women in Technology in Haiti:
This program is designed to bridge the digital gender divide in Haiti so that women can use the advances in technology to compete for sustainable careers. We aim to empower women with computers and trainings, that will give them a successful advantage in the technology market.
Seeds of Hope Needed:
You can donate funds towards the expense of the trip
You can donate funds for our Women in Tech Project advancing women in less developed countries

Project H.O.P.E Haiti 2018
International Women of H.O.P.E will be traveling to Haiti June 17th through the 24th.

We have joined with Itiah Coffee Co, a coffee homegrown from the land of Haiti! Each bag of 10-12 oz coffee purchased, a percentage will be donated to our mission. Visit www.itiahcoffee.com and use code IWOH at checkout! Thanks in advance for your support!
During the 2017 mission trip shown above, we traveled with Miss Naomy Grand'Pierre the first Haitian woman swimming athlete, to be a breath of hope and encourage the sport of natation to the youths in Cap Haitian, Haiti. A beautiful experience, our hope is that it was an encouraging beginning to those responsible to make decisions to make all sports available for the young people. Women Empowerment Domestic Violence Haitian Empowerment.

If you would like to join us and be part of the transformation of mind, attitude and life contact us. If you consider supporting our mission to be a force of change through a financial donation we are grateful. Your donation is tax deductible.Thank you so very much! As always thank you for being an Agent of H.O.P.E.