- IWOH Team
Thank You!
Enock and I, together with Cassandre on behalf of the board want to tell each and every one of you thank you once more. The same energy felt last night as we are ending the year, I would like to encourage you to keep the momentum and energy going for the upcoming year. We had a successful evening because of you all. Your contributions of time, resources, knowledge and funds make our vision moved to action.
We all should be very proud of our list of accomplishments and the work done in 2017 in Haiti and in our community in Georgia. To name a few that stands out a bit more, we have supplied food to over 100 families here. We have helped a couple of women in Haiti start their own small businesses. We have held successful workshops which aided our women in finding employment. Giving Hygiene kits, food, clothes to nearly 100 people and a meal every day during our Mission trip and workshop now called Project H.O.P.E.
We continued to be a voice against all forms of violence towards women and young girls and have brought more awareness in our community. We have managed to successfully remove and counsel a young lady from an unhealthy relationship.
We continue to work on other cases alongside our partner organization LiveSafe resources with Nadege Delva now with a particular case and we IWOH have help several other cases.
Let's not forget that we were recognized for our hard work from dignitaries such as State Representative the Honorable Erika Thomas and a Proclamation from the Atlanta Council Mr. Ceasar Mitchel.
As an organization, our mission, vision and values sets us apart. Our inspirational strategies to prevent violence and promote healthy relationship. Our efforts to engage in a transformative life changing opportunity for the young women in Haiti. Providing Psychological treatment, scholarship... We have and will continue to create a place where we can thrive, be successful and offer quality care to our women and young women of our community here and in Haiti.
This is what we all, agents of H.O.P.E must remember to take with us in 2018: Healing. Opportunity. Purpose and Empowerment! My wish for all of us is to demonstrate a sense of ownership in the work that we do.
Before we know it, March will be upon us and it's important that we understand this is our only and biggest fundraiser, we do all we do from the funds raised at our Gala. We are inviting all of you to BE BOLD with us and to make this the most talked about event in town. By sharing all that we do with their hard earned money and invite them to support our projects.
Our first conference call meeting will be announced soon. We need everyone on board, we need fresh new ideas, and we need sponsors!! Table Hosts!! WE NEED YOU. Welcome to all of our new members/ partners again.
International Women of H.O.P.E would also like to take this opportunity to thank our sponsors, partners, members and volunteers. Due to your generosity we were able to make a difference in the lives of many in the community here and in Haiti. We cannot continue the work without your donations. To donate please go to our website www.intlwomenofhope.org and select the donate tab.
Once you choose H.O.P.E anything is possible!
Our Mission Statement
To be an agent of H.O.P.E (Healing, Opportunity, Purpose and Empowerment) for women in crisis. To equip women with resources and education to
create a sustainable lifestyle through donated materials and educational seminars on agriculture, leadership, entrepreneurship and self-development.
Merry Christmas to all and a Happy and prosperous New Year!